Thursday, August 16, 2012

Reaching Out

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I popped by a friend's house today just before we went island hopping and he was telling me about noob mentoring. He does a lot of not so much. I did take one noob under my wing about two years ago and we ended up becoming very close friends but I have to admit, I forgot how incredibly time consuming it can be tutoring someone who has never spent any time on the grid. Teaching them everything from how to walk, utilize their cam, inventory, packing and unpacking boxes and God forbid, editing prims. I have the utmost respect for anyone who spends their time helping the new folks to SL and yeah, I should probably get off my ass and pop over to the noob sims and offer any help I can. I'm sure there are thousands of people just waiting to discover all of the wonderful hidden treasures of Second Life.


Shape: My Own

Hair: Truth

Jeans: {mon tissu}

Bangles: Ryker Beck

Necklace & Earrings: Amorous